Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to the Course

    • Welcome to the Course

    • The Current State of a Child

    • Moving Through the Course

  • 2

    Module 1 - Foundational Ideas

    • Introduction to this Module

    • Getting Started

    • Maturity

    • Cognitive Limitations

    • Locus of Control

    • The Triangle of Wellbeing

    • Stealing the Moment

    • Practice Exercise 1

    • Practice Exercise 2

    • Dig Deeper

  • 3

    Module 2 - Definitions of Resilience

    • Introduction to this Module

    • Getting Started

    • Definitions of Resilience

    • Developing Anti-Fragile Skills

    • The Coach

    • Teaching Resilience

    • Riding the Wave

    • The Importance of Resilience

    • Emotional Responses

    • Hold the Space

    • Practice Exercise 1

    • Practice Exercise 2

    • Dig Deeper

  • 4

    Module 3 - Anxiety Basics

    • Introduction to this Module

    • Getting Started

    • Understanding the Brain (Part 1)

    • Understanding the Brain (Part 2)

    • Understanding the Brain (Part 3)

    • The Difference Between Fear and Anxiety

    • Cognitive Distortions

    • Cognitive Complexity

    • Knowing Where It Comes From

    • Practice Exercise 1

    • Practice Exercise 2

    • Dig Deeper

  • 5

    Module 4 - Sorting Good Risk from Bad Risk

    • Introduction to this Module

    • Getting Started

    • Availability Bias

    • Risky Behaviours (Part 1)

    • Worksheet: 'Risky Behaviour'

    • Risky Behaviours (Part 2)

    • Dig Deeper

  • 6

    Module 5 - How Patterns Get Established

    • Introduction to this Module

    • Getting Started

    • Systems

    • Patterns

    • Accommodation

    • Practice Exercise 2

    • Dig Deeper

  • 7

    Module 6 - A Theory of Change and Why it Matters

    • Introduction to this Module

    • Getting Started

    • Recap

    • Containing Your Own Fear

    • Allowing Practice

    • Changing Behaviours

    • Changing Patterns

    • Reducing Anxiety by Reducing Accommodation

    • Practice Exercise 1

    • Practice Exercise 2

    • Dig Deeper

  • 8

    Module 7 - Connecting the Dots

    • Introduction to this Module

    • Unconscious Competence

    • Following a Script

    • Seemingly Modest Interventions

    • Looking Forward

    • Dig Deeper

  • 9

    Module 8 - Mind Maintenance

    • Introduction to this Module

    • Getting Started

    • Sleep

    • Technology

    • Attachment

    • You

    • Practice Exercise 2

    • Dig Deeper

  • 10

    Module 9 - Taming Fears

    • Introduction to this Module

    • Getting Started

    • Fear

    • Coping with Fear

    • Exposure

    • Arousal Reduction Techniques

    • The Brain Waltz

    • Self-Safe Hypnosis

    • Alphabet Legs

    • Practice Exercise 1

    • Worksheet: 'Fear rating'

    • Dig Deeper

  • 11

    Module 10 - Emotion Coaching

    • Introduction to this Module

    • Getting Started

    • Describing Emotions

    • Acknowledging Emotions

    • Using Largish Words

    • Self-Soothing

    • Problem-Solving

    • The Zebra Story

    • Stem Statements

    • Delivery of Emotion Coaching

    • Pursue The Lull

    • Key Elements of Emotion Coaching

    • Practice Exercise 1

    • Practice Exercise 2

    • Dig Deeper

  • 12

    Module 11 - Think Before You Respond

    • Introduction to this Module

    • Getting Started

    • Thinking Habits

    • Worksheet: 'Cognitive distortions'

    • Interpretations

    • Stopping The Bus

    • The SALON Action Plan

    • Conversation Support

    • Worksheet: 'Conversation'

    • Shifting Perspective

    • Situation, Behaviour, Impact

    • Worksheet: 'Situation, Behaviour, Impact'

    • Dig Deeper

  • 13

    Module 12 - An Ace Up Your Sleeve

    • Introduction to this Module

    • Getting Started

    • Radical Downtime

    • Benefits of Exercise

    • Default Mode Network

    • Practice Exercise 1

    • Practice Exercise 2

    • Dig Deeper

  • 14

    Module 13 - Implementation

    • Introduction to this Module

    • Getting Started

    • An Overview of the Five-Star Model

    • Constructing a Plan for Implementation

    • SMART Goals

    • Worksheet: 'SMART Goals'

    • Dig Deeper

    • Satisfaction Survey

  • 15

    Module 14: Conclusion

    • Wrap Up

    • Satisfaction Survey

    • Download Your Notebook